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How to make your retirement savings last: Common myths debunked

There are many risks that need to be overcome to ensure that retirement savings last, says Shaun Duddy, including longevity, inflation and investment risk.

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Managing risk and tax on retirement

The annual SARS statistics report reveals valuable data. Professor Lester looks at the positive aspects of tax reform, and particularly the better tax deal given to retired taxpayers.

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From fazed to phased retirement

Data from Alexander Forbes suggests that most South Africans face the prospect of having to extend their career beyond the traditional retirement age. This trend has given rise to ‘phased retirement’ – a strategy enabling individuals to gradually ease their way into retirement while continuing to make contributions to their retirement fund.

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Income at retirement: What are the options?

Living annuities are complex products and individuals should make their product selection following an objective assessment of the options available, with suitable advice where possible.

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Busting the myth: Market returns will no longer compensate for inadequate savings

The 2013 Sanlam BENCHMARK Survey confirms a long-standing disconnect between what retirement fund members expect to ‘earn’ in retirement and what they actually achieve.

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The Allan Gray-Orbis Global Equity Feeder Fund remains fully invested in global equities. The objective of the Fund is to outperform the FTSE World Index at no greater-than average risk of loss in its sector.