Investment Review – April 2020

Market Indicators

  • JSE All Share (ALSI) 50,336.72
  • Rand/Euro R 20.16
  • Rand/Pound R 23.24
  • Rand/US Dollar R 18.44
  • Rand/Aus Dollar R 12.03

Binary thinking, What-Ifs and why it helps to disagree with yourself

We live in a world of complex problems. Each day we need to make decisions which affect our lives and those of our clients and colleagues. We are also subject to the decisions of others – business leaders, governments, central banks, and other role players in a global economy where singular decisions have far reaching implications.

In this month’s comment we look at how we are prone to oversimplifying complex problems, and why our ‘what if’ questions help us to disagree with ourselves so that we can make better decisions.

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Posted in Investment Review

The Allan Gray-Orbis Global Equity Feeder Fund remains fully invested in global equities. The objective of the Fund is to outperform the FTSE World Index at no greater-than average risk of loss in its sector.