Ninety One Diversified Income Fund

Fund Overview

Risk Profile

Low Medium High


The Investec Diversified Income Fund is a flexible fixed interest fund that aims to provide investors with a maximum total return (income plus capital appreciation). The fund targets returns in excess of the benchmark, over rolling three year periods.

The fund may actively allocate between South African bonds, cash, credit, listed property and international fixed income assets including currencies, corporate and emerging market debt. International assets provide excellent diversification opportunities. Foreign exposure is curently limited to 25%. This is a high conviction portfolio.

Investor Profile

  • Seek a reasonable level of capital protection

Offshore Exposure:


Inception Date:

1 September 2008

Fund Code:


Fund Manager(s):

Malcolm Charles, André Roux
Ninety One

The Allan Gray-Orbis Global Equity Feeder Fund remains fully invested in global equities. The objective of the Fund is to outperform the FTSE World Index at no greater-than average risk of loss in its sector.