Allan Gray Equity Fund

Fund Overview

Risk Profile

Low Medium High


The Allan Gray Equity Fund aims to outperform the South African equity market (as represented by the FTSE/JSE All Share Index, including income) without assuming greater risk.

Investor Profile

  • Seek long-term wealth creation
  • Are comfortable with market fluctuation i.e. short-term volatility
  • Typically have an investment horizon of five years plus
  • Seek an equity ‘building block’ for a diversified multi-asset class portfolio

Offshore Exposure:

No (The Allan Gray Equity Fund is limited to JSE listed shares so it has no direct offshore exposure. *)

Inception Date:

1 October 1998

Fund Code:


Fund Manager(s):

Ian Liddle, Duncan Artus, Andrew Lapping, Simon Raubenheimer
Allan Gray

* In terms of Exchange Control Circular 22/2011 JSE inward listed shares (such as British American Tobacco) are now classified as domestic, with effect from 7 December 2011.

The Allan Gray-Orbis Global Equity Feeder Fund remains fully invested in global equities. The objective of the Fund is to outperform the FTSE World Index at no greater-than average risk of loss in its sector.